SWI Class

I used Structured Word Inquiry in my Grade 5 classroom for nine years.  I didn’t wait to fully understand everything before I took the plunge.  I just jumped in and learned along with my students.  I knew who to ask when I was stuck, I took online classes when I could, I read many blogs, talked with others using SWI, and read books.  My students have loved the fact that I don’t have all the answers.  We learn from each other.  It is very collaborative and joyful!

During the entire time I’ve been using Structured Word Inquiry, I’ve kept a blog.  I’ve also recorded a lot of the activities my students and I engaged in.  Sometimes we prepared lessons to take to the Grade 2 and Grade 3 classrooms.  Sometimes my students worked in small groups.  Sometimes the work was individual.  Sometimes we created videos to teach others what we were learning.

In this class, Bringing Structured Word Inquiry into the Classroom, I share the activities that worked well and give you lots of ideas to take back to your classroom.  I will focus on the guiding principles and the 4 consistent questions of Structured Word Inquiry.  We will specifically talk about many ways to improve your students’ abilities to write thoughtful word sum hypotheses.  Along the way I will explain many of the features of English spelling.  We will also address the question, “Where do I begin?  What should I start with?”   The videos of my students let you see how they respond to this work.

The course is 5 episodes long.  Each episode is 90 minutes.  The cost of that 5 episode class is $100.



I will gladly set up a new schedule if you contact me with a day of the week and time of the day that works well for you.  (If that time and day work for you, they will no doubt work for others, too!)


Wednesday, February 19; 6:00 pm CDT
Wednesday, February 26; 6:00 pm CDT
Wednesday, March 5; 6:00 pm CDT
Wednesday, March 12; 6:00 pm CDT
Wednesday, March 19; 6:00 pm CDT


If these dates or times don’t work for you, please send me an email so I know you are interested.  Include dates and/or times that will work for you.  Please include your time zone.  I don’t schedule a class until I know people are interested in signing up.

To register:

  1.  Submit payment through my Paypal link which is listed below.  Include the email you want me to use when contacting you.
  2. I will respond and make sure I know which schedule you are interested in.


Each class will be 90 minutes in length. All times posted are in Central Standard Time.  Use this link to help convert to your time zone.

Cost is $100.00 for five 90 minute classes, paid through Paypal at this link:  PayPal.Me/MaryBethSteven .  **Please send an email as well**, stating the class and start date you are interested in.  Then I will have your email for confirmation.

If dates offered do not work for you, please email with your preferences.  I will do my best to coordinate and offer another session. Contact email teachinfifth@gmail.com

Video of my students:

Here are a few videos of my students and what they learn with SWI: