Finish the Old, Bring on the New

We started January 2nd with a song called “Happy, Happy New Year”.  It was sung by a french student group called the Fantastikids.  I love the hopeful and magical feel to the video.  It leaves you with that feeling that anything is possible.

Next we made two lists on the board.  One was titled “Old Business” and the other “New Business”.  Under “Old Business” were things that we started in the last two months, but have not yet finished.  We need to keep this list visible so we can work towards our goal of completing everything on it.

Old Business

Share Power Points and Prezi Presentation on Explorers

Finish and send persuasive letters to Nickelodeon and HarperCollins
Finish independent reading of trade books set during the American Revolution
Complete Koshkonong Creek Study Books

New Business

Read aloud Mr. Terupt Falls Again
Skype with author Rob Buyea
Prepare for the delivery of our 12 chromebooks! 
Prepare for our Science Fair
Begin class reading of Martin Luther King Biography and study of the Civil Rights Movement

These lists will help us keep a focus on things that need finishing so we can move on to the next exciting thing!  We’re already having a “Happy, Happy New Year!”

2 thoughts on “Finish the Old, Bring on the New

  1. Mrs. Stevens and students:
    I enjoyed your blog and song that I heard about today from my teacher in France! a small world.
    I understand you are going to explore words thru word sums and matrices, wonder tools! I teach in Western Springs, Illinois, about an hour south of the Wisconsin border. My students from grade one to five use the same tools. We are excited each day to find the true meaning of words and their spelling. We know there are no exceptions in English spelling, just look at the evidence! Hope to hear more from you and hope I can chime in from time to time. And yes, Happy New Year!

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